
Campaigning for Agroecology for Climate Action

AFSA is campaigning to place agroecology as a key policy response to the climate crisis that is negatively impacting the economic, social, and ecological life of Africans. Ten national networks are campaigning to drive public opinion and influence decision-makers to shift agriculture and food policy away from destructive industrial farming and adopt agroecological farming as a key climate response, reducing GHG emissions and putting carbon back in the ground.

Climate change is already a reality for millions of African farmers, pastoralists and fishers, as droughts, rangeland degradation, and ocean temperature rises threaten livelihoods and food security. With around 70% of the population dependent on rain-fed farming, Africa does not have the safety net of wealthier, industrialized nations.

The IPCC 1.5C Report 2018 is clear: we have less than 12 years to make radical emission cuts if we are to avert a climate catastrophe. Global food systems generate one-third of all greenhouse gases and account for 75% of global deforestation. Much of this is linked to industrial farming, e.g. fossil fuel use, fertilizer production, burning forests to make way for large-scale monocrops.

Current African policy solutions increase pressure on small scale food producers to take up industrial agriculture initiatives such as climate-smart agriculture, GMO seeds, and fossil fuel-based chemical inputs, releasing the carbon stored in the soil, while increasing the burden of GHGs in the atmosphere, and polluting precious water resources.

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