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We, 230 participants from six countries of the Congo Basin [Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon] with the contribution of participants from other countries, representing governments, civil society organisations, indigenous and local populations, women’s organisations, young people, the media, religious institutions, cultural institutions, research institutions, pastoralists, fishermen, small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs, are meeting at the Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa from 29 to 31 August 2023, as part of the regional summit on climate change, biodiversity conservation and food systems in the Congo Basin;

Recognise the unrivalled importance of the Congo Basin as the second largest tropical forest in the world and the largest in terms of carbon sequestration, playing a key role in mitigating climate change and providing a lifeline for around 75 million people, their traditions and the rich biodiversity it harbours.

Express our deep concern about the immediate threats to this invaluable forest heritage, principally deforestation, forest degradation, climate change, unsustainable agriculture, and the urgent need to strike a balance between conservation and food sovereignty.

Let us recognise the potential of agroecology as a fundamental solution for establishing food systems resilient to climate change and strengthening local communities and indigenous peoples;

The importance of the Congo Basin’s unrivalled capacity for conservation should be emphasised, placing it at the forefront of global efforts.

Reaffirm the undeniable role of indigenous peoples and local communities in the conservation and preservation of biodiversity in the Congo Basin.

Let’s highlight the main challenges facing the region, including :

  • Insufficient funding mechanisms ;
  • Gaps in knowledge about agro-ecological practices ;
  • Gaps in the development and implementation of existing policies and agreements;
  • Infrastructure shortcomings that hamper market access ;
  • The pressing issues of land management and other natural resources ;

Identify the urgent need for greater cross-sectoral collaboration, effective platforms for sharing traditional and endogenous knowledge, harmonisation of policies for the sustainable management of natural resources, equitable distribution of resources and mechanisms for transferring technology and skills.

Let’s take the resolution of:

  • Giving priority to the land rights of indigenous peoples, combating land grabbing and guaranteeing recognition of communal land;
  • Continuing our commitment to building resilient and culturally acceptable food systems
  • Strengthen the role of women and young people in conservation and agro-ecology practices and ensure their active participation in decision-making processes;
  • Adopt the traditional practices that have always protected the habitats of the Congo Basin, while recognising and developing the region’s strengths and assets;
  • Advocating sustainable, community-based solutions such as beekeeping, community forestry and species domestication.
  • To engage in persistent efforts to raise community awareness of the importance of agro-ecological practices, thereby guaranteeing the conservation of protected areas.

Let us call on international organisations, donors, sub-regional institutions, governments, non-governmental organisations, local communities, indigenous peoples and all stakeholders to unite in the mission to safeguard the Congo Basin. It is only through coherent and concerted, enlightened and sincere efforts that we can hope to bequeath this treasure to future generations.

We are committed to;

  • Community engagement: Working closely with local communities to raise awareness of the importance of agro-ecology, sustainable farming practices and conservation. Encourage the adoption of traditional knowledge and practices as well as the latest scientific knowledge that supports sustainable land management.
  • Advocacy: Defending the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, with a focus on communal land ownership and protection against land grabbing.
  • Collaboration and networking: Encouraging collaboration between different civil society organisations, sharing resources and expertise to amplify the impact of efforts in the fields of agroecology, conservation and sustainable development.
  • Capacity building: Offering training programmes and workshops that equip local communities with the skills they need to effectively implement agroecology practices.
  • Gender equality: Promote gender equality by supporting women’s participation in conservation and agroecology initiatives, as well as their involvement in decision-making processes.

Calling for action:

The governments of the Congo Basin countries

  • Policy reform and implementation: Review and strengthen existing policies and agreements relating to conservation, climate change and sustainable development. Ensure effective implementation through regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
  • Indigenous land rights: Give priority to legislation that recognises and protects the land rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. Establish clear procedures for communal land ownership and protection against land grabbing.
  • Women’s empowerment: Integrate gender considerations into all conservation and agroecology initiatives. Promote the active participation of women in decision-making processes related to resource management and conservation efforts.
  • Capacity building: Invest in education and training programmes to fill the knowledge gap on agro-ecological practices. Support research and knowledge-sharing platforms that enable local communities to adopt sustainable farming methods.
  • Infrastructure development: Allocate resources to improve infrastructure such as roads and market access, to facilitate trade in sustainably produced goods. This will improve livelihoods and reduce pressure on natural resources.

Donors and development partners

  • Financial support: Establish and contribute to funding mechanisms that support sustainable development, conservation and agroecology initiatives in the Congo Basin. Ensure that these mechanisms are accessible to local communities and stakeholders.
  • Technology transfer: Providing technical assistance and technology transfer to improve agro-ecological practices, sustainable land management and climate resilience.
  • Capacity building: Working with local organisations and governments to build the capacity of institutions working in the field of conservation and sustainable development. This includes providing training, resources and expertise.
  • Research funding: Allocate resources to research aimed at filling the gaps in agro-ecology, biodiversity and adaptation to climate change in the Congo Basin.

Civil society organisations

  • Community engagement: Working closely with local communities to raise awareness of the importance of agro-ecology, sustainable farming practices and conservation. Encourage the adoption of traditional knowledge and practices.
  • Advocacy: Defending the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, with a focus on communal land ownership and protection against land grabbing.
  • Collaboration and networking: Encouraging collaboration between different civil society organisations, sharing resources and expertise to amplify the impact of conservation and sustainable development efforts.
  • Capacity building: Offering training programmes and workshops that enable local communities to acquire the skills they need to effectively implement agro-ecological practices.
  • Gender equality: Promote gender equality by supporting women’s participation in conservation and agroecology initiatives, as well as their involvement in decision-making processes.

 Kinshasa on 31.08.2023


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