In News, Seed Sovereignty

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) wants to hire a consultant to edit seed case studies.

Topic: Intensifying the narrative of Farmer Managed Seed Systems (FMSS) in Africa.

Summary: We have recently collected a dozen case studies on the benefits of farmer seed systems, local seed, traditional seed, etc. in different countries. The case studies tried to address the following areas: Gender-related food security (sovereignty, resilience), Poverty reduction and income generation, Climate change adaptation, Tolerance/resistance to salinity, acidic soils, pests and diseases, Biodiversity conservation, Yield (productivity), Cultural sensitivity, Seed quality assurance, Seed marketing, Healthy food or Seed accessibility/availability. The technical content of each case study has already been approved by a specialized committee.

We need someone to structure each case study so that it makes sense – perhaps in the form of a story or narrative that, beyond the technical elements, touches the sensibilities of the readers (citizens and decision-makers) about the socio-cultural and environmental values associated with farmers’ seeds. The person involved will also write a synthesis of all the documents, highlighting the key lessons and messages.

Objective: With the clear intention of amplifying the narrative and strengthening the evidence base on the benefits and values of seeds from farmers’ seed systems (also called peasant seeds, traditional seeds, local seeds, people’s seeds or living seeds), AFSA has documented 12 seed case studies. We want to showcase the benefits of farmers’ seed systems, and we want to share the good work that farmers (men, women, youth) and their communities are doing in this area. To do this, the case studies need to be written in an engaging and captivating narrative format, with accessible language, in order to interest the reader and encourage them to popularise the farmers’ seed story

The consultant selected to do this editing work will arrange the photos for each text and synthesize the lessons learned. This synthesis will serve as an introduction to the batch of case studies. AFSA will do the graphic design and publish them in an attractive format.

Preferably, a consultant with a journalism background and proven experience in publication is expected

The essential tasks

  • Review, edit and do a meta-analysis of all seed case studies submitted
  • Make the language simple, attractive and understandable for each case study.
  • Put all the case studies in a similar format, although the same indicative outline was used by all authors.
  • Revise or propose an engaging title for each case study to reflect the content.
  • Compile them in a logical flow, perhaps in thematic chapters.
  • For each case study, produce a Word document with all the content for the designer.
  • Write a one-page summary, highlighting the main lessons and advocacy messages.


  • about 2.5-4 pages per case study would be ideal, all in colour, A4 size.
  • Font size 12
  • Line spacing 1,15

Next steps: If you are interested in this work, please submit your application by 8 October 2022 with the followings

  • A paragraph of your methodology and timeline
  • Financial proposal.
    • NB: amount to the consultant attracts 15% withholding tax as per the laws of Uganda
  • Examples of relevant publications you have produced.
  • A copy of your CV

Please send your application to by 8 Oct 2022.

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