In Citizen, News

We are excited to announce the call for articles for the upcoming 3rd Edition of the African Agroecology Entrepreneurship (AAE) Bi-Annual Newsletter. The success of our 2nd Edition, which featured insightful contributions from Togo, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, and Tunisia, was overwhelmingly well-received, reaching an audience of over 500 readers worldwide.

We believe that the stories shared were not only impactful but also served as a source of inspiration for those passionate about sustainable food systems and agroecological practices.

As we prepare for the next edition, we are seeking articles that continue to explore and highlight the innovative and transformative work happening within the agroecological entrepreneurship space across Africa. The theme is “African Territorial Markets Empowering Local Economies and Building Food Sovereignty

We welcome a variety of article types, including; experience sharing, opinion pieces, research findings, innovative practices, policy analysis We encourage submissions from entrepreneurs, policymakers, activists, and anyone engaged in fostering sustainable agriculture and food production on the continent.

Your contributions will help us further our vision of building a collaborative platform that informs, inspires, and strengthens the community dedicated to sustainable agricultural development.

Please share your articles by the 15th September,2024 on email:

We look forward to your inspiring stories and insightful perspectives.

See link to the 2 nd Edition of the Newsletter: English:


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