This briefing paper details the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa’s COP27 vision and priorities – including themes, goals, targets, and indicators – for the thematic areas of agriculture. It provides an opportunity for AFSA to communicate its position based on stakeholder engagement and consultations over one year.

It is vital that we transform our agricultural and food systems, so they work with, not against, nature. Agroecology is a sustainable practice that meets our urgent need to address current and imminent crisesfrom climate change and biodiversity loss to hunger, poverty and disease. It is clear that catastrophe is not just on our doorstep— ithas arrived for many peoples around the world. Agroecology represents an overarching and comprehensive framework that can guide public policies towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. Agroecological systems are vital not only for addressing poverty, hunger, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, but also for directly realizing 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in areas such as health, education, gender, water, energy and economic growth. Agroecology centres farmers to create sustainable, fair and gainful agroecosystems and livelihoods. COP 27 is an essential opportunity to generate awareness, share knowledge and build coalitions and partnerships. Through this, we can advance means of implementation in terms of financing, technology transfer and capacity building for demonstration, piloting and scaling of agroecology principles and practices. We must uplift agroecology as a solution to the climate crisis, persistent food insecurity, malnutrition and rural poverty.


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