
Knowledge Generation

At AFSA, we are dedicated to advancing the transition to Agroecology, underpinned by a strong narrative and supported by compelling evidence. Our efforts in knowledge generation through community-led research initiatives are crucial in driving this transition.

By prioritizing the inclusion of local knowledge holders and custodians of the land and the environment in the co-creation of knowledge, we ensure that the documentation and dissemination of this knowledge are systematic and accessible to all stakeholders involved in the food sovereignty and ecological movements across Africa.

We gather evidence demonstrating the holistic benefits of Agroecology for climate action, healthy food, agricultural biodiversity, land rights, landscape restoration and social justice. So far, we have documented over 100 case studies from across the continent, showcasing on-the-ground examples of successful Agroecology transitions.

These case studies not only highlight the diverse, productive, resilient, and culturally appropriate nature of Agroecology but also offer a vast potential for sharing and scaling these practices. Additionally, our research includes policy studies that address current situations and power dynamics, providing critical entry points for advocacy and opportunities for change.

AFSA is also engaged in producing various forms of media to amplify our message, including short documentaries voiced by grassroots food producers and animated films that visually explain the issues.

These efforts are part of our broader strategy to enhance the visibility and impact of our research outcomes, promoting knowledge transfer through partnerships and networks that bridge traditional knowledge systems with scientific research.

By doing so, we aim to build a robust foundation of knowledge that supports Agroecological practices and food sovereignty, reinforcing the role of African communities in shaping their own food systems and contributing to the global food systems related discourse.

We invite you to explore the evidence we have gathered and see the difference that the transition to Agroecology is making to communities across Africa.

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P.O.Box 571 Kampala, Uganda



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