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African Civil Society and Faith leaders Call for Urgent Action at the African – European agriculture ministerial conference

8am Dakar, 9am Abuja/London, 10am Brussels/Johannesburg, 11am Nairobi

Journalists are cordially invited to participate in this online press conference, in advance of the AU-EU Agriculture Ministers Conference. The event will be interpreted in EN/FR/PT.

African civil society and faith leaders of the Our Land is Our Life Alliance are calling on African and European Agriculture Ministers to ensure African people’s real concerns and needs are fully addressed in their Ministerial conference of 22 June:

  • The lack of African community voices at the policymaking and negotiating tables.
  • The need for transformational change in agriculture and food production.
  • The corporate capture of African food systems, and the damage this is doing to our environment, our soils, lands and water, our biodiversity, our nutrition and health.
  • Land injustice and the lack of women’s land rights.

The following speakers will present these big issues, and take questions from journalists.

  • Dr Million Belay: AFSA General Coordinator
  • Father Germain Rajoelison, SECAM,
  • Anne Maina, BIBA/Kenya Biodiversity Coalition
  • Erika Mendes, Justiça Ambiental JA! Friends of the Earth Mozambique
  • Massa Kone, Spokesperson, CGLTE
  • Lungisa Huna, Co-Director, Rural Women’s Assembly

The Our Land is Our Life coordination group is composed of leaders of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), Convergence Globale des luttes pour la terre et l’eau en Afrique de l’ouest (CGLTE), Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA), Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN), and The Pan-African Institute for Citizenship, Consumers and Development (CICODEV).

Register in advance for this meeting:

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