In Agroecology, News

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) are pleased to invite you to the Africa-Europe Week taking place on 14 – 18 February 2022, where we will be holding a one-hour session on:

Food Sovereignty and Rural Transformation through Agroecology and Land Justice

on Tuesday 15th February

at 1pm Dakar/Accra, 2pm Brussels/Abuja, 3pm Cape Town/Harare, 4pm Nairobi/Kampala

Our session will set out the challenges facing African communities from the corporate capture of African lands and natural resources to the industrialization of African food systems and the climate crisis. Key speakers will outline the struggles – for African civil society voices to be heard, for land justice, for women’s land rights, for corporate accountability, and for the transition to agroecology – a people-centred system of sustainable agriculture, combining indigenous knowledge with cutting edge science, working with nature to nourish healthy and resilient communities.  Speakers are:

  • Father Germain Rajoelison, SECAM, (the African Catholic Bishops Conference)
  • Isabelle Manimben, CCFD-Terre Solidaire
  • Ferdinand Wafula, Agroecological Farmer, BIOGI, Western Kenya
  • Ali Aii Shatou, IPACC, Co-Coordinator of the Agroecology WG of the CSM/CFS
  • Moderator: Anne Maina, Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya

We look forward to seeing you during the Africa – Europe Week.

Please click here to register

Hope to see you there


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