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Civil society webinar on rural development in Africa


Organiser: AFSA (African Food Sovereignty Alliance) SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Commission in Africa and Madagascar) AEFJN (Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network) CGLTE-OA (Convergence globale des luttes pour la terre et l’eau-Afrique de l’Ouest) RWA (Rural Womens’ Assembly) CICODEV (Institut pan africain pour la Citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Developpement) ACT Alliance-EU, CIDSE

Registration: click here to register- by 15th October noon.

You will have to indicate which breakout room you would like to attend. without the indication of a preference participants will be allocated randomly to a break out room.

Languages: interpretation will be provided in English, French and Portugese

Plenary session- 13h30- 14h30

  • Bishop Sithembele Sipuka, SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Commission for Africa and Madagascar)
  • Busisiwe Mgangxela, Eastern Cape Agroecology Farmers’ Association
  • Kone Massa, CGLTE-OA (Global Convergence of Land and Water Struggles in West Africa)
  • Nina Moeller, Coventry University Center for Agroecology, Water and Resilience

Break out session- 14h30-15h30

  • Social Responsibility of the Faith Communities
  • Role of Women in Rural Development: Agroecology, Food and Nutrition Security
  • Land Grab and Mechanisms for Monitoring and Holding to Account Activities of EU Investments (UNDROP and ETO)
  • Finance for Agroecology: Under which conditions can finance work for agroecological transitions

This webinar is part of the VENRO Africa-Europe civil society conference, see the programme here and and overview of all the workshops here.

This event is co-funded by the European Union.


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