In News, Publications, Seed

In Africa, farmers’ seeds are the basis of agricultural production, diverse and healthy food systems across the continent. The Farmer managed seed system (FMSS) is the dominant system for food crops and agrobiodiversity conservation for family farmers. They persist – and thrive – despite well-funded programs promoting corporate seed and the industrial food and agriculture regime they are part of, whilst receiving little or no support from public policies and frequently denigrated in the public narrative. Seeds are about culture, tradition, spirituality, cooperation, solidarity and survival, providing diverse and healthy food to feed families every day, and livelihood. Today’s seed embodies centuries of knowledge about how to conserve, exchange, plant and guide it to fruitful expression. Africa’s rich diversity of food crops is thanks to diverse ecosystems to local farming communities – notably women, the custodians of seeds.

In its continuous quest for food sovereignty, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) scales up the positive narrative behind farmers’ seed varieties outdated and outlawed by corporations.

These twenty one case studies have been collected from nine African countries and India. From the most hostile environments of the Sahel (Niger) to equatorial wetlands (Gabon), saline soils (Tanzania) and oases (Tunisia), the authors show us how farmers’ varieties meet the nutritional and economic needs of populations in traditional, agroecological production systems.

In the Dosso region of Niger, 7 case studies on the preferred varieties of seven vital crops in selected communities identified farmers’ varieties that farmers know intimately and retain deep skills regarding their cultivation, uses, processing, storage and marketing. In many instances, these seeds are the backbone of thriving local economies and are key to cultural identity, culinary identity and respect in the community. In all cases they outperformed improved varieties, ostensibly because they have been adapted to the specific environment in which they are cultivated and are amenable to further adaptation thanks to their genetic diversity. In Tanzania, six case studies emphasized on seed quality insurance using consistent farmers’ protocol and criteria. Cases also showcased the large diversity of seed a community develops which makes its population autonomous (seed sovereign), healthy and economically strong because of higher productivity and nutrition value found in specific indigenous varieties of beans, maize or rice. The quest for dignity through food is also experienced in Zimbabwe and Tunisia where women reviving the old durum wheat, In Burkina case study is about conservation technology, Togo and Senegal focused on seed production skills and quality insurance for bigger market favourable to farmer managed seed systems, namely on vegetable seeds which is a big market that usually excludes farmers, especially in urban areas.

In conclusion, this collection of seed case studies opens our minds on the following:

  • Farmers seed varieties are in many cases more productive and more nutritious than the so- called improved varieties.
  • Farmers have strong and various protocols to establish quality seeds standards.
  • Women farmers play a crucial role in selecting seeds that define our food systems.
  • Communities play a key role in biodiversity preservation and should be first partners of gene banks, either locally, nationally or at international levels.

See the case studies here

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[…] Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) has published 21 seed case studies from 9 African countries including from landscapes such as equatorial wetlands in Gabon, hostile […]

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