In News, Publications, Seed Sovereignty

This framework aims to ensure the recognition and protection of the right of farmers to define rules, based on their habits and customs, within their communities, networks, or other collectives, for the organisation of their seed activities, as well as the need for the State to accompany them in this.

The framework is based on the results of various farmers’ mobilisations that have taken place across Africa and the world, as well as on the reflections of farmers, experts and other national and international organisations that accompany them. The report was published in 2022 and is available on the AFSA website

The report outlines the preliminary arrangements (example, Recognition of the past, present and future role of farmers in the selection, diversification, maintenance, and development of agricultural biodiversity), tools (national seed funds, regional farmers’ registers….) and bodies (National/ Regional Farmers’ Seed Committees)to be put in place for the management of the farmers’ seed system, the rules for ensuring seed quality in farmers’ seed systems, the rules for the production and circulation of farmers’ seed and the promotion of farmers’ participation in decision-making and the protection of farmers’ innovations and knowledge.

We are grateful to all the partner organisations, that participated in the 12 national consultations including Association Sénégalaise des producteurs de semences paysannes (ASPSP) – Senegal; Association Tunisienne de Permaculture (ATP) – Tunisia; Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA) – Kenya;  Coalition pour la protection du patrimoine génétique africain (COPAGEN) Burkina Faso – Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) – eSwatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

This work was carried out by Mohamed Coulibaly (, a legal expert on seed and biodiversity issues.

This document has tried to incorporate as much information and opinion as possible from the national consultations, but it does not cover the full range of information on the complexity of farmers’ seed systems.

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